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Why It is Important to Meditate “On the Go”

Formal and Informal Mindfulness Practice
While it is important to make time for “formal” meditation practice, this is not the only, nor is it the most important, way that we practice mindfulness.
“Formal” mediation practice is like going to the gym. It is a necessary practice that supports us (and makes us stronger) in being more present in our daily lives.
The truth is, that we can practice mindfulness during the undertaking of any human activity – walking, eating, brushing our teeth, listening to others. This “informal” practice is equally valuable and can be accomplished in just seconds or minutes a day.
As long as we are living, our breath is always available to us and can be used as an anchor to the present moment. Similarly, checking in with our bodies, thoughts and emotions (as an observer) is a great way to practice mindfulness. Being mindful just means being present and aware in the living of our busy, and often very messy, lives.

To learn more about meditation and well-being resources, please visit our other suggestions below.